When it comes to community engagement, no one knows when or how they'd like to have a say better than the local community.

This is why it's valuable for community members to provide feedback on Council's draft Community Engagement Policy so we can better support your needs.

A requirement of the Local Government Act 2020 (LGA 2020), the Policy was originally adopted in February 2021.

Council has reviewed the current policy, making minor changes to clarify how the it informs Council's advocacy approach, and is now asking the community for feedback.

The Policy is an important document to help guide Council staff in planning for and delivering community engagement activities, and to formalise Council's commitment to community engagement.

The Policy highlights the importance of involving our community in Council decisions that impact them and is an essential part of how Council connects with, supports and serves the community.

It applies to all community engagement activities undertaken by Council, and provides guidance including when to engage, methods of engagement, and how to assess the level of engagement required.

The Policy also describes the type and form of community engagement proposed and includes deliberative engagement processes for long-term plans such as the Council Plan and Financial Plan.

Why should you provide feedback?

Empowering local voices in community engagement is essential, as nobody understands the timing and methods for meaningful input better than the community itself.

Your feedback will help inform future planning for community engagement and communication activities.

Submissions close at 5pm on Wednesday, 5 June 2024.