
FY25 Agribusiness Photography Initiative

29 October 2024

Marketing is a highly effective way for businesses to engage with their target audience and build brand recognition. Because of this, the Alpine Shire Council are offering limited spaces for local businesses to participate in a subsidised photography session to update their image library. The aim of the initiative is to provide businesses with refreshed imagery that represents their brand and offering to support obtaining and updating their Australian Tourism Data Warehouse (ATDW) listing.

The ATDW is an organisation established by all Australian state and territory tourism organisations and serves as a central database for tourism businesses and events which third party distributors can leverage for marketing and communication purposes (e.g., listings on tourism website). An ATDW listing provides valuable online exposure through websites, mobile applications and portals (e.g., Visit High Country website and phone application, Bright and Surrounds website etc).

For a co-contribution of just $50,00 your business has the opportunity to participate in the FY25 Agribusiness Photography Initiative that is being subsidised by Alpine Shire Council, valued at over $500.00 per business.

Following a successful photography initiative in FY24 for tourism operators, this initiative aims to target agribusinesses to support our local growers and producers.

What is included?

  • Approximately 1 hr of photography on location at each business.
  • 10 images per business (provided as electronic copies).

What are the eligibility requirements?

  • Businesses must be residents or ratepayers of the Alpine Shire to participate in this initiative.
  • Businesses are required to provide a co-contribution payment of $50.00 to participate.

Please note that spots are limited for this initiative and businesses will be selected based on a first-in, first-served basis. Expressions of interest for this initiative open on the 29th of October and close at 5pm on Friday the 22nd of November.

To register your interest, please reach out to the Economic Development team at

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