Weeds pose a serious threat to biodiversity and primary production in the Alpine Shire. Many species have the potential to reduce agricultural productivity, displace native species, and contribute significantly to land and water degradation.

Alpine Shire Council is responsible for controlling declared noxious weeds on property we own and manage, including Council-managed roadsides and reserves. Council undertakes a regular weed control program that is guided by our Weed Management Strategy.

Under the Catchment and Land Protection Act 1994, public and private landholders have a legal responsibility to manage noxious weeds on their property. Under the Act, landholders must take reasonable steps to:

  • avoid causing or contributing to land degradation, which causes or may cause damage to land of another landowner
  • eradicate regionally prohibited weeds
  • prevent the growth and spread of regionally controlled weeds on their land

There are 4 categories of noxious weeds defined under the Catchment and Land Protection Act 1994:

State prohibited weeds

  • Do not yet occur in Victoria but pose a significant threat if they invade; or
  • Do occur in Victoria, but it's reasonable to expect that they can be eradicated from Victoria

Regionally prohibited weeds

  • Are not widely distributed throughout Victoria, but are capable of spreading further
  • Can be expected to be eradicated from the region
  • Private landholders are responsible for control on private land

Regionally controlled weeds

  • Are established in particular regions of Victoria
  • Are capable of spreading further, but should be prevented from doing so
  • Landholders have the responsibility to take all reasonable steps to control and prevent the spread of these weeds on their land, and on roadsides that adjoin their land. 

Restricted weeds

  • Weeds that must not be sold or traded in Victoria
  • Have the potential to spread into and within Victoria, posing an unacceptable threat

Alpine Shire Weeds is a resource to assist in the identification and control of noxious weeds within the Alpine Shire.

WeedScan is an AI tool for identifying and recording weeds, developed by a range of government agencies and weed experts. The app can also be used to alert state and local land managers of new weed incursions.

Agriculture Victoria has a range of information on controlling weeds: