The Draft Governance Rules and Election Period Policy is a document that outlines two items:

  1. Governance Rules of Council, made in accordance with s60 of the Local Government Act 2020 (the Act)
  2. Election Period Policy, ensuring that Council demonstrates compliance with the election period provisions of the Act

Governance Rules

The Governance Rules of Council are made in accordance with s60 of the Act and should be read in conjunction with the Alpine Shire Council Councillor Code of Conduct. In accordance with s60(2) of the Act, the purpose of these Rules is to ensure that Council’s governance practices:

  • Are undertaken in a fair, transparent, orderly and consistent manner
  • Are conducted in accordance with relevant laws
  • Withstand scrutiny
  • Provide means for inappropriate behaviours to be identified and addressed
  • Promote good community engagement
  • Promote adherence to the overarching governance principles of the LGA 2020

Election Period Policy

The Election Period Policy is to ensure that Council:

  • Demonstrates compliance with the election period provisions of the Act;
  • Demonstrates that public resources are not used for election campaigning;
  • Is aware of what can and cannot be done during the election period; and
  • Continues to provide high standards of service to the community

Community members are invited to provide feedback on the proposed changes to the draft Policy. A marked up copy of the document, with changes identified, is available for public exhibition.