The Bright Skatepark has a steel half pipe and a small street section. The half pipe was opened in 1998 and the street section in the early 2000s. Since then, the skateboarding community and the town have grown, and the current skate park no longer meets the needs of the community.
After several years of campaigning from the local community, Council applied for a $30,000 grant from Sports and Recreation Victoria to develop a concept design for a new Bright Skatepark. Council is contributing a further $10,000 towards these concept plans. The concept plans will be completed in April 2024.
What are we doing?
Council has hired skatepark design experts Convic to design a skatepark unique to the Alpine Shire.
The skatepark will be designed with input from the Alpine Shire skateboarding community, including people of all ages, demographics, and abilities. Input will be sought from skateboarders, BMX and scooter riders, roller skaters and rollerbladers.
Convic will investigate if a new stake park will be best placed at its current location, or at another location within Bright. Council wants to make sure the new skatepark is in the right location to suit the growing needs of the community.
While there is currently no secured funding to build the skatepark, the concept designs will be used to apply for future funding opportunities.
Why are we doing it?
The current skatepark is relatively small compared to skateparks in Mount Beauty and Myrtleford and is only suitable for beginner and intermediate skateboarders and scooters.
The Bright skatepark also has limited opportunity to be used by different abilities at the same time and is too small for the current number of users.
A new skatepark will be designed to meet the skating communities’ current and future needs, and it will be more inclusive, accessible, and safe. It will aim to cater for all abilities, allowing skaters to progress their skills.
How can I get involved?
You can get involved by attending the drop-in session at the Bright Skatepark, or attend an evening workshop at the Bright Community Centre. You can find all the details under Key Dates on this page. If you can't make a session in person, you can complete the online survey linked below from Thursday, 9 November. The survey will close on Monday, 20 November.