Situated next to the Myrtleford Library in O’Donnell Avenue, Cundy Park is a much-loved destination for local families and visitors alike.

The current park features an adventure playground, as well as picnic tables, electric BBQs and public toilets.

With sections of the current playground aging, Council now has the opportunity to develop concept designs for inclusive and accessible upgrades to the park and explore a number of avenues to upgrade or repair the equipment.

Concept designs may also include changes or upgrades to other aspects of the park, such as the public toilets, BBQs, pathways and car parking.

We want to hear from all park users and find out what you love about the current park, what you'd like to see added or improved, and how we can design a more accessible space for all to enjoy.

Please note, the well utilised skate park within Cundy Park will remain as is, whilst the rest of the park and playground will be considered as part of the concept plans.

The timber structures of the playground at Cundy Park are currently closed for structural maintenance and has been fenced off to the public. At this stage, it is unclear how long these works will take.

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