Ready to make a splash at the Myrtleford Splash Park?

In collaboration with the Myrtleford Chamber of Commerce, we are thrilled to bring to life Myrtleford's very own splash park on Lewis Avenue near Happy Valley Creek.

The construction marks next steps in the progress of this project, which was originally brought to us by the Myrtleford Chamber of Commerce. Through extensive community consultation, the Chamber developed concept designs that reflected the unique character of Myrtleford, which were used to apply for external funding opportunities to bring the project to life.

This project is fully funded by the Commonwealth Government under the Black Summer Bushfire Recovery (BSBR) Grants Program.

An aerial site plan of Myrtleford Splash Park, including the splash pad, toilets and pump house, picnic shelters and BBQ area and cantilever shelters.
An aerial drawing of the Myrtleford Splash Park imposed over a map of its location in Myrtleford.