In December 2022, Council resolved to engage with the community to develop a Short Stay Rental Accommodation Local Law. 

This decision was one outcome of Council's Affordable Housing Analysis and Action Plan project, which highlighted findings and opportunities to overcome some of the housing affordability and availability issues currently experienced in the Alpine Shire.

Housing affordability and availability has declined in the Alpine Shire over the past five years for many reasons, including an imbalance between provision of homes to rent and short term accommodation in our townships. the increase in the number of properties being turned from long-term into short-term accommodation.

The impact that poor housing affordability and availability has on the community includes: 

  • A shortage of housing for key workers. It is estimated that 65% of the working population of the Shire are classified as key workers; 
  • Shortage of housing results in staff shortages across all industry sectors; 
  • Staff shortages result in a reduction to economic output and contribution into the local economy; 
  • Service delivery is deteriorating; and
  • Health and wellbeing effects on community.

What are we doing?

With the support of the community through engagement and feedback, we are developing a draft Local Law that will help regulate the Short Stay Rental Accommodation industry in the Alpine Shire – an industry that is currently unregulated.

We want to hear the stories, experiences and opinions of our community members about short stay rental accommodation, and the variety of impacts the industry is having in the Alpine Shire. In particular, we'd like to hear about the impacts on amenity.

As a Local Law could include a variety of regulations, we will be gauging community support for potential inclusions, as well as asking for general feedback and suggestions.

Why are we doing it?

The objectives of a Short Stay Rental Accommodation Local Law would be:

  • To ensure an appropriate standard of management of Short Stay Rental Accommodation to preserve neighbourhood amenity; 
  • To minimise the risk of Short Stay Rental Accommodation affecting the peace and quiet enjoyment of neighbours;
  • To implement a registration and renewal system for Short Stay Rental Accommodation; and
  • To ensure that any waste generated at Short Stay Rental Accommodation is appropriately managed to protect the environment that visitors come to enjoy. 

How can I get involved?

We encourage all community members and property owners to provide input on a draft Short Stay Rental Accommodation Local Law by filling out the survey below.

You can also come along to one of our market pop-ups or community drop-in sessions to have a chat to one of our Councillors or team members.

Community engagement on the first stage of this project will close on Wednesday, 31 January 2024.

There will be further opportunities to provide feedback on the Draft Short Stay Rental Accommodation Local Law once it has been developed.

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Simone Dowel

Engagement & Communications Coordinator

Helen Havercroft

Director Customer and Community

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