Council wants to ensure that our aquatics facilities are fit-for-purpose, safe and accessible for all members of our community and all-abilities.

The Sport and Active Recreation Plan (adopted by Council in March 2022) identified the need for a dedicated aquatics analysis due to extensive community interest in aquatics facilities. We recognise that upgrades to our aging facilities are required to support our communities as they grow.

Outcomes from the aquatics analysis will be incorporated into the Sport and Active Recreation Master Plans where possible. Any identified upgrades to our aquatic facilities will be assessed and prioritised along with upgrades to our other sport and active recreation facilities.

One of the greatest demands identified by the community through engagement activities was for improved aquatic facilities in Alpine Shire. While the benefits of participation in aquatic activities are recognised, it can be challenging from an economic perspective to provide aquatic facilities in areas with a low population.

Further research therefore needs to be undertaken to determine the type of aquatic opportunities desired by the community to really understand what is the optimum and achievable scenario for pool allocation around Alpine Shire.

Council has appointed Solucio and The OCD to undertake an Aquatics and Indoor Stadium Feasibility Study.

The project will undertake a review of six identified locations to inform future decision-making to provide high-quality, accessible and well-planned facilities for the community.

The focus of the project is to produce recommendations for aquatics and indoor stadiums that are needed to make informed decisions on improving these facilities to benefit the community for years to come.

We are seeking community input into the future considerations for aquatics and indoor stadiums within the Shire and invite you to participate in the survey below.